
What Is A Back To School Necklace

What Is A Back To School Necklace?

Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Kimberlee Johnson

As summer comes to an end, students are filled with mixed feelings about returning to school. This emotional state is often described as the “back-to-school necklace.”

I’ve been there myself, and let me tell you, this term captures the feeling we all have when we don’t want to let go of the fun and relaxation that summer brings. 

But what is a back-to-school necklace? In this short piece, we’ll explore what this term means and the emotions it represents, showing how students all over can relate to it.

Back-to-School Necklace: What Does It Mean?

Crying girl

The term “back-to-school necklace” is a slang term for a noose that symbolizes the feeling of worry and reluctance that comes with returning to school after enjoying a period of relaxation. 

Like a real necklace that feels heavy on the neck, the back-to-school necklace represents the weight of responsibilities, academic challenges, and the shift from a carefree lifestyle to a more structured routine. 

It captures the shared sigh and inner resistance to saying goodbye to free-spirited moments and embracing the demands of education once again.

But what does it mean to dream of going back to school?

How To Talk To Your Kids About The “Back-To-School Necklace”?

1. Encourage Open Communication

Talking to your kids about returning to school can be challenging, so encouraging open communication is essential. 

Start by asking them what they know about the “back-to-school necklace” and then listen carefully to the emotions they express. Make sure you confirm their feelings and validate their thoughts. 

“Don’t believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate.”

– Renee Jain, Author

Through open communication, you can provide them with honest feedback, helpful guidance, and encouragement as they face the unknown. 

2. Be A Good Listener

Be attentive and create a secure environment where they can feel comfortable sharing their feelings. 

Don’t immediately jump in with solutions or advice; focus instead on truly understanding their point of view.

By actively listening [1], you strengthen your connection with your child and gain valuable insights into their perspective, helping you provide the necessary support and guidance.

3. Validate Their Emotions

Acknowledge and accept their feelings, whether anxiety, fear [2], excitement or a mix of emotions. 

Remind them that these feelings are completely normal and that many students experience them. 

Showing your child you understand will help them feel supported and open the door for further conversations and solutions.

Check out these ways to deal with your back-to-school anxiety here.

4. Provide Reassurance

Provide support and reassurance when speaking to your children about the upcoming school year. 

Let them know that you understand the challenges they may be facing and that it is normal to experience some anxiety. But how can you go back to school as a single mom?

5. Encourage A Positive Mindset

You can assist your child in the development of a healthy mental attitude by emphasizing the significance of education, personal development, and the thrill of gaining new knowledge. 

Encourage them to approach the school year with curiosity and a willingness to embrace new experiences.

Related Post: 10 Helpful Tips To Get Back On Your Sleep Schedule For School

Why Are Students So Worried About The Start Of the School Year?

teacher teaches in the classroom

Students often feel nervous about returning to a regulated school routine after the summer off from structured learning. 

“The back-to-school necklace is a reminder that change is both heavy and beautiful as we navigate the path from carefree days to the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.”

Howkapow Gift Site

Besides, for high school students, a new year signifies encountering new personnel, classmates, and a fresh grade, which can be understandably overwhelming. 

It’s also typical for individuals to start stressing out about potential tests, exams, and other tasks that must be completed and their ability to deal with the added pressure. 

Also Read:

How To Recognize If A Child Has Mental Health Issues?

  1. Persistent Changes in Mood or Behavior: If your child consistently exhibits moods or behaviors that are out of character, it could be a sign of a mental health issue. These could include frequent sadness, irritability, intense worry, or frequent getting into trouble at school.
  2. Difficulty in Social Situations: A sudden or persistent reluctance to engage with peers, participate in social activities, or have an extreme fear of embarrassment could signal a mental health issue.
  3. Harmful Behaviors: Any talk of suicide, self-harm, or risk-taking behaviors needs immediate attention as they can be signs of serious mental health issues.
  4. Physical Symptoms: These could include unexplained weight loss or gain, a drastic change in sleep patterns, or frequent headaches or stomach aches


What exactly is a noose necklace?

A noose necklace is a piece of jewelry featuring a hangman’s knot in a loop shape. 

It is usually associated with representations of incarceration, but it can also be worn for symbolic or fashion purposes.

Find out how many outfits a child should have for back to school here.

What are the controversies with the “noose necklace”?

The “noose necklace” has sparked significant controversy due to its symbolization of lynching, a form of violence and racial terrorism that primarily targeted African Americans throughout U.S. history. 

Wrapping Up

Having explored the meaning behind the back-to-school necklace, I can’t help but reflect on my experiences and the shared sentiment among students. 

It is a tangible representation of the weight we feel when summer break draws to a close and the responsibilities of school return. 

Yet, amidst the apprehension lies an opportunity for growth, learning, and new adventures. 

By acknowledging the emotions tied to the back-to-school necklace, we can support and guide students through this transitional period, helping them embrace the challenges and possibilities. 


Kimberlee Johnson
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